Books and Publications


[6] P. Pape, G, Lerzynski, P. Glauner, J. Plugmann and P. Plugmann (Eds.), "Transformation in Health Care - Game-changers in Digitalization, Technology, AI and Longevity", Springer, 2025. (in progress)

[5] S. Ehsani, P. Glauner, P. Plugmann and F. M. Thieringer (Eds.), "The Future Circle of Healthcare: AI, 3D Printing, Longevity, Ethics, and Uncertainty Mitigation", ISBN 978-3-030-99837-0, Springer, 2022.

[4] P. Glauner, "Digitalisierungskompetenzen: Rolle der Hochschulen", ISBN 9783446470903, Hanser, 2021.

[3] P. Glauner, P. Plugmann and G. Lerzynski (Eds.), "Digitalization in Healthcare: Implementing Innovation and Artificial Intelligence", ISBN 978-3-030-65895-3, Springer, 2021.

[2] V. Nestle, P. Glauner and P. Plugmann (Eds.), "Creating Innovation Spaces: Impulses for Start-ups and Established Companies in Global Competition", ISBN 978-3-030-57641-7, Springer, 2021.

[1] P. Glauner and P. Plugmann (Eds.), "Innovative Technologies for Market Leadership: Investing in the Future", ISBN 978-3-030-41308-8, Springer, 2020.

Book Chapters

[16] P. Glauner, "Quantum Computing: Foundations, Opportunities, Challenges and Applications in Healthcare", In P. Pape, G, Lerzynski, P. Glauner, J. Plugmann and P. Plugmann (Eds.), "Transformation in Health Care - Game-changers in Digitalization, Technology, AI and Longevity", Springer, 2025. (in progress)

[15] P. Glauner, "§ 1 Technische Grundlagen von generativen KI-Modellen", In M. Ebers and B.M. Quarch (Eds.), "Rechtshandbuch ChatGPT: KI-basierte Sprachmodelle in der Praxis", ISBN 978-3-7489-4043-2, Nomos, 2024.

[14] R. Latzel and P. Glauner, "Artificial Intelligence in Sport Scientific Creation and Writing Process", In C. Dindorf, E. Bartaguiz, F. Gassmann and M. Froehlich (Eds.), "Artificial Intelligence in Sports, Movement, and Health", ISBN 978-3-031-67255-2, Springer, 2024.

[13] P. Glauner, "Lessons from Germany", In S. L. Hansen and K. Daniels (Eds.), "How to Enable the Employability of University Graduates", ISBN 978-1-80392-650-6, Edward Elgar, 2023.

[12] P. Glauner, "An Assessment of the AI Regulation Proposed by the European Commission", In S. Ehsani, P. Glauner, P. Plugmann and F. M. Thieringer (Eds.), "The Future Circle of Healthcare: AI, 3D Printing, Longevity, Ethics, and Uncertainty Mitigation", ISBN 978-3-030-99837-0, Springer, 2022.

[11] S. Ehsani, P. Glauner, P. Plugmann and F. M. Thieringer, "Introduction: Trends, Puzzles and Hopes for the Future of Healthcare", In S. Ehsani, P. Glauner, P. Plugmann and F. M. Thieringer (Eds.), "The Future Circle of Healthcare: AI, 3D Printing, Longevity, Ethics, and Uncertainty Mitigation", ISBN 978-3-030-99837-0, Springer, 2022.

[10] P. Glauner, "Künstliche Intelligenz im Gesundheitswesen: Grundlagen, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen", In R. Grinblat, D. Etterer and P. Plugmann (Eds.), "Innovationen im Gesundheitswesen: Rechtliche und ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen und Potentiale", ISBN 978-3-658-33800-8, Springer, 2022.

[9] P. Glauner, "Everyone Needs to Acquire Some Understanding of What AI Is", In A. Loth (Ed.), "Decisively Digital: From Creating a Culture to Designing Strategy", ISBN 978-1-119-73728-5, Wiley, 2021.

[8] P. Glauner, "Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Foundations, Opportunities and Challenges", In P. Glauner, P. Plugmann and G. Lerzynski (Eds.), "Digitalization in Healthcare: Implementing Innovation and Artificial Intelligence", ISBN 978-3-030-65895-3, Springer, 2021.

[7] U. Hutschek, T. Abele, P. Plugmann and P. Glauner, "Efficiently Delivering Healthcare by Repurposing Solution Principles from Industrial Condition Monitoring: A Meta-Analysis", In P. Glauner, P. Plugmann and G. Lerzynski (Eds.), "Digitalization in Healthcare: Implementing Innovation and Artificial Intelligence", ISBN 978-3-030-65895-3, Springer, 2021.

[6] P. Glauner, "Innovation Management for Artificial Intelligence", In V. Nestle, P. Glauner and P. Plugmann (Eds.), "Creating Innovation Spaces: Impulses for Start-ups and Established Companies in Global Competition", ISBN 978-3-030-57641-7, Springer, 2021.

[5] P. Glauner, "Unlocking the Power of Artificial Intelligence for Your Business", In P. Glauner and P. Plugmann (Eds.), "Innovative Technologies for Market Leadership: Investing in the Future", ISBN 978-3-030-41308-8, Springer, 2020.

[4] M. Thurner and P. Glauner, "Digitalization in Mechanical Engineering", In P. Glauner and P. Plugmann (Eds.), "Innovative Technologies for Market Leadership: Investing in the Future", ISBN 978-3-030-41308-8, Springer, 2020.

[3] S. Mund and P. Glauner, "Autonomous Driving on the Thin Trail of Great Opportunities and Dangerous Trust", In P. Glauner and P. Plugmann (Eds.), "Innovative Technologies for Market Leadership: Investing in the Future", ISBN 978-3-030-41308-8, Springer, 2020.

[2] L. Trestioreanu, P. Glauner, J. A. Meira, M. Gindt and R. State, "Using Augmented Reality and Machine Learning in Radiology", In P. Glauner and P. Plugmann (Eds.), "Innovative Technologies for Market Leadership: Investing in the Future", ISBN 978-3-030-41308-8, Springer, 2020.

[1] P. Glauner, "Künstliche Intelligenz - die nächste Revolution (The Artificial Intelligence Revolution)", In P. Plugmann (Ed.), "Innovationsumgebungen gestalten: Impulse für Start-ups und etablierte Unternehmen im globalen Wettbewerb", ISBN 978-3-658-22126-3, Springer, 2018.

Journal Papers

[4] P. Glauner, "Technical foundations of generative AI models", Legal Tech - Zeitschrift für die digitale Anwendung - LTZ, 01/2024, pp. 24-34, 2024.

[3] T. Jelinek, A. Bhave, N. Buchoud, M. Buehler, P. Glauner, O. Inderwildi, M. Kraft, C. Mok, K. Nuebel and A. Voss, "International Collaboration: Mainstreaming Artificial Intelligence and Cyberphysical Systems for Carbon Neutrality", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, vol. 2, pp. 26-34, 2024.

[2] F. Ünal, A. Almalaq, S. Ekici and P. Glauner, "Big Data-Driven Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Meters", IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 144313-144326, 2021.

[1] P. Glauner, J. Meira, P. Valtchev, R. State and F. Bettinger, "The Challenge of Non-Technical Loss Detection using Artificial Intelligence: A Survey", International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (IJCIS), vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 760-775, 2017.

Legal Commentaries

[2] F. Pieper and P. Glauner, "Kommentierung Art. 3 Nr. 1 KI-Verordnung", In D. Bomhard, F. Pieper and S. Wende (Eds.), "KI-VO: Künstliche Intelligenz-Verordnung", ISBN 978-3-8005-1830-2, Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH, Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft, 2024. (to appear)

[1] P. Glauner, "KI: Auswirkungen auf Altersvorsorge und Vermögensbildung", In A. Briese and H.-G. Horlemann (Eds.), "Staatliche Förderung der Altersvorsorge und Vermögensbildung", Kz. 050 Nr. 15/24, pp. 1-5, ISBN 978-3-503-19967-9, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2024.

Market Reports

[1] J. Zhou, P. Glauner and D. Kaminskiy, "IFF Global Artificial Intelligence Competitiveness Index Report - Part 1: Analyzing AI Competitiveness From the Enterprise Perspective", International Finance Forum (IFF), 2024.

Conference Papers

[13] T. Jelinek, A. Bhave, N. Buchoud, M. Buehler, P. Glauner, O. Inderwildi, M. Kraft, C. Mok, K. Nuebel, M. Pathak, S. Some and A. Voss, "Advancing AI for Climate Action: Global Collaboration on Intelligent Decarbonisation", T20 India, 2023.

[12] P. Glauner, "Staying Ahead in the MOOC-Era by Teaching Innovative AI Courses", Proceedings of the Second Teaching Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Workshop, PMLR, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), 2021.

[11] P. Glauner, R. State, P. Valtchev and D. Duarte, "On the Reduction of Biases in Big Data Sets for the Detection of Irregular Power Usage", Proceedings of the 13th International FLINS Conference on Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support (FLINS 2018), Belfast, UK, 2018.

[10] P. Glauner, P. Valtchev and R. State, "Impact of Biases in Big Data", Proceedings of the 26th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2018), Bruges, Belgium, 2018.

[9] P. Glauner, N. Dahringer, O. Puhachov, J. Meira, P. Valtchev, R. State and D. Duarte, "Identifying Irregular Power Usage by Turning Predictions into Holographic Spatial Visualizations", Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW 2017), New Orleans, USA, 2017.

[8] P. Glauner, A. Migliosi, J. Meira, P. Valtchev, R. State and F. Bettinger, "Is Big Data Sufficient for a Reliable Detection of Non-Technical Losses?", Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems (ISAP 2017), San Antonio, USA, 2017.

[7] P. Glauner, M. Du, V. Paraschiv, A. Boytsov, I. Lopez Andrade, J. Meira, P. Valtchev and R. State, "The Top 10 Topics in Machine Learning Revisited: A Quantitative Meta-Study", Proceedings of the 25th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2017), Bruges, Belgium, 2017.

[6] J. Meira, P. Glauner, R. State, P. Valtchev, L. Dolberg, F. Bettinger and D. Duarte, "Distilling Provider-Independent Data for General Detection of Non-Technical Losses", 2017 IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois (PECI 2017), Urbana, USA, 2017.

[5] M. Galetzka and P. Glauner, "A Simple and Correct Even-Odd Algorithm for the Point-in-Polygon Problem for Complex Polygons", Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), Volume 1: GRAPP, Porto, Portugal, 2017.

[4] P. Glauner, J. Meira, L. Dolberg, R. State, F. Bettinger, Y. Rangoni and D. Duarte, "Neighborhood Features Help Detecting Non-Technical Losses in Big Data Sets", Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing Applications and Technologies (BDCAT 2016), Shanghai, China, 2016.

[3] P. Glauner, A. Boechat, L. Dolberg, R. State, F. Bettinger, Y. Rangoni and D. Duarte, "Large-Scale Detection of Non-Technical Losses in Imbalanced Data Sets", Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2016), Minneapolis, USA, 2016.

[2] P. Glauner, "Deep Learning For Smile Recognition", Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making (FLINS 2016), Roubaix, France, 2016.

[1] P. Glauner, J. Iwaszkiewicz, J.-Y. Le Meur and T. Simko, "Use of Solr and Xapian in the Invenio document repository software", Open Repositories Conference (OR2013), Charlottetown, Canada, 2013.


[3] P. Glauner, "Artificial Intelligence for the Detection of Electricity Theft and Irregular Power Usage in Emerging Markets", PhD Thesis, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2019.

[2] P. Glauner, "Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Smile Recognition", MSc Thesis, Imperial College London, London, UK, 2015.

[1] P. Glauner, "Enhancing Invenio Digital Library With An External Relevance Ranking Engine", BSc Thesis, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2012.

Tutorials at Scientific Conferences

[6] P. Glauner and R. State, "Introduction to Machine Learning for Power Engineers", 10th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2018), Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 2018. (Invited by the Governing Board of the IEEE Power & Energy Society)

[5] P. Glauner, J. Meira and R. State, "Detection of Irregular Power Usage using Machine Learning", IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Asia (ISGT Asia 2018), Singapore, 2018.

[4] P. Glauner, J. Meira and R. State, "Machine Learning for Data-Driven Smart Grid Applications", IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Asia (ISGT Asia 2018), Singapore, 2018.

[3] P. Glauner, J. Meira, R. State and R. Mano, "Introduction to Detection of Non-Technical Losses using Data Analytics", 7th IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Europe (ISGT Europe 2017), Torino, Italy, 2017.

[2] P. Glauner and R. State, "Deep Learning on Big Data Sets in the Cloud with Apache Spark and Google TensorFlow", 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2016), Shanghai, China, 2016.

[1] P. Glauner and R. State, "Load Forecasting with Artificial Intelligence on Big Data", Sixth IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Europe (ISGT Europe 2016), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2016.

Forewords in Books

[5] P. Plugmann and D. Portius (Eds.), "Innovation in Healthcare and Outcome Measurement: New Approaches for a Healthy Lifestyle", Springer, 2025. (to appear)

[4] A. Schoenbohm, H. von Horsten, P. Plugmann and M. von Stosch (Eds.), "Innovation in Life Sciences: The Digital Revolution", ISBN 978-3-031-47767-6, Springer, 2024.

[3] J. Plugmann and P. Plugmann (Eds.), "Innovationen in der Gesundheitsversorgung: Neue Ansätze und Impulse für Prävention, Gesundheitsförderung und Homecare", ISBN 978-3658416805, Springer, 2023.

[2] P. Plugmann, "Fixstern im Kopf: Ziele setzen, Ziele erreichen - Transformation des Mindsets", ISBN 978-3-662-63545-2, Springer, 2021.

[1] P. Plugmann, "Innovationsförderung für den Wettbewerb der Zukunft: Wirtschaft. Zukunft. Gesundheit.", ISBN 978-3658301262, Springer, 2020.

Technical Reports

[2] P. Glauner, C. Glaeser, N. Dahringer, P. Valtchev, R. State and D. Duarte, "Non-Technical Losses in the 21st Century: Causes, Economic Effects, Detection and Perspectives", University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2018.

[1] P. Glauner, "Comparison of Training Methods for Deep Neural Networks", Imperial College London, London, UK, arXiv:1504.06825, 2015.